Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Fur

My home is air conditioned, why do I need to put my fur in cold storage?

In addition to keeping your fur in a temperature controlled environment during the warmer weather, maintaining the correct humidity is also important for your fur. Home air conditioning is also very drying to furs. At Dino’s, we own our own climate and humidity controlled vault. By storing your fur with us, it is protected from moths, rodents, mold, and mildew

My fur looks clean, why should I condition it yearly?

Conditioning on an annual basis ensures that your fur will maintain its beauty and luster. Although the fur side of your garment looks clean, the conditioning treatment ensures that the underside – the leather – stays soft and supple. This helps to prevent expensive tears and rips in the fur. Our conditioning process uses natural conditioners and glazing products.

Should I keep my fur in a plastic bag when I’m not wearing it?

No, you should never store your fur in plastic. During the winter months, keep your fur in a cool area with enough air circulating around it. You should also allow enough room in your closet so the fur isn’t crushed. Of course, during the summer months it should be stored in a climate and humidity controlled environment.

The big shoulders on my fur coat don’t look fashionable any longer, what can I do?

Dino Furs provides complete remodeling services. We can downsize the shoulders to update the look of your coat. Other remodeling services include shortening a coat to convert it to a stroller or jacket length.

Is it politically correct to wear fur?

Fur is the ultimate “green” product. It is biodegradable and is a renewable resource. Minks are farm raised and are not trapped in the wild. Harvesting of furs such as beaver is strictly controlled by the Canadian government. Beavers are considered a natural resource that the people have great respect for.

Should I store my fur in moth balls?

NO! Moth balls use the fumes produced by naphthalene and paradichlorobenzene to kill moth larvae. These fumes penetrate the fur, and the smell is always apparent. In addition to the chemical fumes not being good for your fur, they are not good for people to breathe on a regular basis.

What should I do if my fur gets wet?

Most furs will tolerate some rain and snow far better than wool. If your fur gets wet, shake it out and hang it up to dry in a place where air can circulate around it. Do not put it near the heat to dry. After it has dried, shake it out again. If your fur gets soaked, take it immediately to one of our locations for proper and professional treatment.

Do you clean fur hats?

Yes. Hats and scarves in close contact with your body should also be cleaned and conditioned on a regular basis.

I just inherited my grandmother’s Fur (coat, etc) – what can I do with it?

Assuming that the stole has sentimental value, why not make it into a keepsake item that you will always have as a remembrance of your grandmother? Some suggestions include making an adorable fur animal or a decorative pillow or throw. Check out our Repurposing page in the Services section for more details.

I have a tear in my fur. Can I just sew it myself?

Unlike repairing a tear in a cloth garment, you should not attempt to sew your fur with a needle and thread. You can actually create more damage and rips in the fur using a sewing needle. A furrier uses a special machine and binding tape to repair fur at the seams. If the tear is not at a seam, a more extensive repair including matching and adding fur may be required. Dino is a Master Furrier and has over 40 years of experience in fur manufacturing and repair.

Do you purchase old furs?

Although we may take an older fur as a trade in towards the purchase of a new garment, we do not purchase furs. If you have an old fur that you want to sell, we suggest that you attempt to sell it through a consignment shop or online.